
Undergraduate Students: Scholarships & Awards

    Admissions Awards

    The Albert Dahlberg Admission Scholarship

    This award was established by Dr. John Mayhall, a professor in the Faculty of Dentistry, in honour of the memory of Dr. Albert Dahlberg, one of the founders of the field of dental anthropology. The award is to be given to a student upon entrance into the first year of the D.D.S. program on the basis of financial need.  Academic merit will also be considered. The student must have completed a graduate degree or equivalent before enrolling in the D.D.S. program. First awarded in 1998.

    George and Olga Haas Scholarship at the University of Toronto 

    This endowment was established by Dr. Haas and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP), in memory of his parents, who placed tremendous value on higher education. It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in first year of the program on the basis of financial need and academic merit. 

    Antony and Hedy Kalamut Award

    This award was established by Dr. Frank Kalamut, a part-time instructor in the dental program, in honour of his parents. This award is to be given to a student upon entrance into the first year of the D.D.S. program on the basis of financial need. Not tenable with other admission awards. First awarded in 2005.

    The Dr. Paul LaDelfa Memorial Admission Scholarship

    This award was established in memory of Dr. LaDelfa, Class of 1982, who died in May 1996 in a tragic car accident. This award is to be given to a student upon entrance into the first year of the D.D.S. program on the basis of financial need. Academic merit will also be considered. First awarded in 1998.

    Tom Lykos Memorial Scholar­ship 

    This award was established by members of the class of 1989, family and friends of Tom Lykos to honour his memory. Tom died (in 1987) while in the second year of the program. The monetary award is given to a student entering first year that shows outstanding academic ability. First awarded in 1989.

    Dr. Gordon Nikiforuk Admission Scholarship

    This award was established by Colgate-Palmolive Canada Inc. In honour of Dr. Nikiforuk, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry from 1970 to 1977 and a long time member of the Preventive department until his retirement in 1988. The annual donation of $1,000 is to be given to a student upon entrance into the first year of the D.D.S. program who shows outstanding academic ability and financial need. First awarded in 1997.

    Somborac Admission Scholar­ship 

    This award was established by Mrs. Roxy Somborac, the widow of Dr. Stephen Somborac, Class of 1959, and the mother of Dr. Milan Somborac, Class of 1964, in their honour. The monetary award will be given to the student entering First Year of the D.D.S., program who shows out­standing academ­ic ability based upon admis­sion documents. Not tenable with oth­er admission scholarships. First awarded in 1991.

    Javenthy Soobiah Admission Scholarship 

    This award was established by Miss Javenthy Soobiah in the Faculty of Dentistry. The monetary award will be given to the student entering the First Year of the D.D.S. program who shows out­standing academic ability based upon applica­tion documents. Not tenable with other admission scholarships. First awarded in 1992.

    First Year Awards

    The Federation of Chinese Ca­nadian Pro­fes­sionals (On­tario) Education Foundation Scholarships

    Two annual awards of $500 each have been estab­lished by the F.C.C.P. (Ontario) Education Founda­tion. These will be given to (1 ) the most outstanding stu­dent in Dental Anatomy & Occlusion in first year; and (2) the most outstand­ing student in Clinical and Theor­etical Periodontics in third year. First awarded in 1986.

    Isaak Orfanidis Achievement Award 

    This award was established by family, friends and members of the Class of 1992 to honour the memory of Isaak Orfanidis, an undergraduate dental student who died in an airplane crash the summer following his first year. The monetary award from the endowment is to be awarded to the most outstanding first year full time student based on academic achievement and extra-curricular activities in the Faculty. First awarded in 1990.

    James Gestie Perkin Prize 

    This prize was established by James Gestie Perkin, D.D.S., class of 1925, a long time teacher of Pre­clinical Techniques. Following his death in 1957, in co-operation with the Associates of the University of Toronto of New York, Inc., this prize was continued by his brother, the late Frank Scott Perkin, M.D., a past President of the American Medical Associa­tion, and since 1979, by his cous­in, Alan Bruce Perkin, D.D.S., class of 1962. The prize of $250 is awarded to the First Year student with the highest mark in Restorative Dentistry. First awarded in 1949.

    Royal College of Dental Surgeons' Scholarship in Basic Sciences

    Through the generosity of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, an award of $350 is given to a First Year student who is most outstanding in the subject chosen annually by Faculty Council. Honours’ standing is required. First awarded in 1972.

    Schwetz Gross Anatomy Scholarships 

    An endowment has been established by Dr. Viola Labodowsky to com­mem­orate the late William Stephen Schwetz, D.D.S., an oral surgeon on the Faculty staff until his death in 1968. Monetary scholarships are awarded annually to the First Year stu­dents with the highest and sec­ond high­est mark in Gross Anatomy. Honours’ standing is required. First awarded in 1977.

    Dr. Myers L. Stitt Scholarships

    These awards were established in honour of the memory of Dr. Myers Lawson Stitt, Class of 1927, by his son, Mr. Bert Stitt and family. These awards are to be given to the students with the highest overall academic achievement in the work of First Year Dentistry. The monetary value of the awards will depend upon the recipients’ financial need. First awarded in 1998.

    The J. N. Wilkinson Prize

    Through a bequest from the late Jonathan Nor­man Wilkinson, D.D.S., an annual prize has been estab­lished comprising a book or subscription, to be awarded to the most outstanding student in Micro­biology. Honours standing in the subject is re­quired. First awarded in 1971.

    James Branston Willmott Scholarships

    The James Branston Willmott Scholarships are the gift of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario in memory of James Branston Willmott, D.D.S., LL.D., who was Dean of the School of Den­tistry of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons from 1875 to 1915.

    In its present form the award comprises two monetary scholarships of $500 each, presented to the stu­dents with the highest overall achievement in First and Second Years respectively.

    Zindart Award in Community Dentistry

    A monetary award of $500 has been established by the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (Ontario) Education Foundation. It will be awarded to the most outstanding student in First Year Dental Public Health. To be eligible, the candidate must complete the first year of the course in Dentistry with standing satisfactory to the Faculty Council. First awarded in 2000.

    Second Year Awards

    Dr. I. Ben Ezra Scholar­ship

    The estate of the late Isaac Ben Ezra, D.D.S., has provided for the establishment of a scholar­ship in the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medi­cine. An award will be given alternating years to the most outstanding student in Restor­ative Den­tistry in Sec­ond Year. The award will consist of the annual income from the fund. First awarded in 1978/79.

    S. G. Bridgman Prize

    The S. G. Bridgman Prize was established in memory of Shaun Bridgman who died in 1973 while an undergraduate in the Faculty, and is donated by the Dental Students' Society. A per­manent plaque is engraved with the names of winners, each of whom receives a replica. It is awarded annually to the most deserving student in Second Year Dentis­try on the basis of extra-curricular activities, leader­ship qualities and scho­lastic attainment. First awarded in 1974.

    Willa Wen-Lan Liu Chou Award 

    The estate of the late Willa Wen-Lan Liu Chou, D.D.S., has provid­ed for the establishment of scholarships to be awarded to the student with the highest overall achievement in the work of First and Second Years and the student with the highest overall achieve­ment in the work of Third and Fourth Years. The award consists of the annual in­come to be awarded equally to a student in Second and Fourth Years. First awarded in 1981/82.

    The Sally and Bernard Gruszko Memorial Scholarship

    This scholarship was established by Ms. Helen Grad, Faculty Pharmacist and Assistant Professor and a member of the Faculty of Dentistry since 1980, in memory of her parents, Sally and Bernard Gruszko. This scholarship is awarded to a DDS II student with the highest mark in Second Year Pharmacology. First awarded in 2006.

    Robert S. Locke Scholarship in Anaesthesia

    This scholarship was established by friends and associates of Dr. Locke upon his retirement as Head of Anaesthesia from 1960 to 1990. The monetary award is awarded to the most outstanding student in Second Year in the subject of Anaesthesia. First awarded in 1991.

    Dr. Marvin Kopel Memorial Scholarship in General Pathology

    This scholarship was established by colleagues, friends and family of Dr. Kopel. The annual monetary award is awarded to the most outstanding student in Second Year in the subject of General Pathology. First awarded in 2003.

    Frank Martin Scholarship

    The Toronto Crown and Bridge Study Club was started by a small group of dedicated dentists in 1954. Its stated purpose was to promote excellence in fixed bridge technique. Meetings were originally held at the U of T's Faculty of Dentistry building on College St. in Toronto. Through successive generations and locations, the club has grown to just over 600 members. Despite our club name, the focus of our continuing education has extended beyond Toronto geographically and "Crown and Bridge" philosophically to include all facets of clinical general dentistry. We have been AGD accredited since 1976. This reaffirms our goal to present the highest level of continuing education from globally recognized speakers without commercial support or endorsement. This allows us to present consistent excellent unbiased information in a collegial friendly open atmosphere. Presently our club is the largest in Canada and the second largest in North America. Our strength lies in the commitment of dedicated volunteer executive members who scout tirelessly for speakers and govern the annual operations of this organization. This spirit of professional excellence, community and cooperation will serve us well into our next 70 years. The Toronto Crown and Bridge Study Club established the Frank Martin Scholarship to offer a prize of $2,000 and a certificate to the most outstanding student in the preclinical technique courses of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry in second year. The first Scholarship was awarded in 1963-1964.

    Dr. Howard Rocket Preventive Scholarships

    These awards were established by Dr. Howard Rocket, Class of 1972. A maximum of four awards will be made each year; two awards to the two students with the most outstanding marks in Second Year Preventive Dentistry and two awards to the two students with the most outstanding marks in Third Year Preventive Dentistry. The monetary awards will depend upon the recipients’ financial need. First awarded in 1998.

    Wallace Seccombe Memorial Scholarship

    The Wallace Seccombe Memorial Scholarship was established with funds donated by members of the dental profession, to commemorate the life and work of the late Wallace Seccombe, D.D.S., who was an officer of the School of Dentistry and of the Faculty of Dentistry for many years, and Dean from 1923 until his death in 1936.

    The monetary scholarship, will be awarded to the student who, having completed without condition the First and Second Years, shows outstanding ability in the subject of Pre­ven­tive Dentistry. First awarded in 1940.

    Albert E. Webster Memorial Scholarship

    This scholarship was established, with funds do­nated by members of the dental profession, in memory of the late Albert E. Webster, M.D., D.D.S., LL.D., a member of the staff from 1893 to 1936, and from 1915 to 1923 Dean of the School of Dentistry. The first award was made in 1940, and was for Fourth Year students only. A bequest to the Faculty in 1990 from Dr. Howard George Lloyd to further honour Dr. Webster permitted the extension of this award to Second Year students as well. The monetary income from the endowment fund will provide two equal awards for the Second and Fourth Year stu­dents who are the most outstanding in the subject of clinical Restorative Dentistry over First and Second, and Third and Fourth Years respectively. First awards under the new terms were made in 1991.

    James Branston Willmott Scholarships 

    The James Branston Willmott Scholarships are the gift of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario in memory of James Branston Willmott, D.D.S., LL.D., who was Dean of the School of Den­tistry of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons from 1875 to 1915. In its present form the award comprises two scholarships of $500 each, pre­sented to the stu­dents with the highest overall achievement in First and Second Years respec­tively.


    Third Year Awards

    The Academy of Dentistry Prize 

    The Academy of Dentistry Prize of the value of $250 is awarded to the most outstanding stu­dent in the third year of the D.D.S. program in the subject of Dental Public Health.

    Association of Prosthodontists of Ontario Book Award 

    The Association of Prosthodontists of Ontario has established this book award for the most outstanding student in Prosthodontics. The award is one of the textbooks required for the Fourth Year Prosthodontics course selected by the discipline and paid for with an annual donation by the Association. First awarded in 2000.

    Dr. Isaac Ben Ezra Scholarships

    The estate of the late Isaac Ben Ezra, D.D.S., has provided for the establishment of scholarships in the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medi­cine. Every other year an award will be given to the most outstanding student in Restorative Den­tistry in Sec­ond Year and a second award to the most out­standing student in Oral Surgery in Third Year. Each award will consist of one-half the income from the fund. The awards will alternate with the Schwetz Memorial Scholar­ships given in the same subject areas. First awarded in 1978/79.

    Helen Chomyn Prize in Orthodontics 

    This prize was established to honour Mrs. Helen Chomyn's retirement from the Faculty of Dentistry in June 1988 following 27 years of loyal and de­voted service. A monetary award is awarded to the most outstanding third year student in clinical and theoretical Orthodon­tics. First awarded in 1989.

    Murray Cornish Scholarship

    The Murray Cornish Scholarship, presented by the Toronto Alumni Chapter of Alpha Omega Fraternity is a monetary award of $200 and is awarded annually to the most out­standing stu­dent in the subject of Oral Pathology. Honours standing in the subject is required. The award was first made in 1972.

    Dental Services Group of Toronto Inc. Award

    Formerly the Posen and Furie Award, the Dental Services Group of Toronto Inc. awards $1,000 annually to the most outstanding student in Third Year clinical and didactic Prosthodontics. First awarded in 1952.

    Dentistry Class of '23 Scholarship

    A gift of the members of the 1923 class is award­ed annually to the student with the highest overall achievement in academic and clinical courses in Third Year. The value of the monetary scholarship is the annual income from the endowment fund. In the event that no award is made in any session, two scholarships may be awarded in a subsequent session, the second going to the student with second highest overall achievement. First awarded in 1947.

    The William J. Evon Scholarship

    This scholarship was established by friends and colleagues of the late William J. Evon, D.D.S. It is awarded annually to the most outstanding student in Pharmacology. Honours’ standing in the subject is required. The value of the scholarship is the annual income from the endow­ment fund. First awarded in 1967/68.

    The Federation of Chinese Canadian Profes­sionals (Ontario) Education Foundation Schol­arships

    Two annual awards of $500 each have been established by the F.C.C.P. (Ont.) Education Foundation. These will be given to (1) the most outstanding student in Oral Anatomy in first year; and (2) the most outstanding student in Clinical and Theoretical Periodontics in third year. First awarded in 1986.

    The Earl West Fuller Award 

    The estate of Earl West Fuller, D.D.S., has provid­ed for the establishment of an award to outstand­ing students in Operative Dentistry--clinical. The value of the award is the annual income on a trust fund of $15,000. First awarded in 1979/80.

    Michael Hagen Memorial Scholarship in Restorative Dentistry 

    This award was established by the Hamilton Dental Research Study Club and various donors in honour of Dr. Michael Hagen who was devoted to achieving excellence. Dr. Hagen graduated from U of T in 1972 and died in 2007. This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student in Third Year for excellence in both theoretical and clinical restorative dentistry. The value of the award is the annual income on an endowment of $30,000. First awarded in 2008.

    International College of Dentists (Canadian Section) Scholarship

    Through the generosity of the International Col­lege of Dentists (Canadian Section), an annual scholar­ship of $1,000 and a plaque is offered. This scholar­ship is to the most outstanding student based on scholastic record in Third Year and participation in extra-curricular activities. First awarded in 1956.

    The Dr. John M. Phillips Award

    The George Hare Endodontic Study Club has established an award, in honour of John M. Phil­lips, D.D.S., to be made to the most outstanding Third Year student in theoretical endodontics. The winner will receive $500 and a plaque. First awarded in 1982.

    Dr. Howard Rocket Preventive Scholarships

    These awards were established in 1998 by Dr. Howard Rocket, Class of 1972. A maximum of four awards will be made each year; two awards to the students with the most outstanding marks in Second Year Preventive Dentistry and two awards to the students with the most outstanding marks in Third Year Preventive Dentistry. The value of the monetary awards will vary and will depend upon the recipients’ financial need.

    Schwetz Memorial Scholarships 

    Income from an endowment of $7,000, established by Dr. Viola Labodowsky in memory of William Stephen Schwetz, D.D.S, an oral sur­geon on the Faculty staff until his death in 1968, generates these awards. An award will be made annually to a Third Year student with the highest mark in Oral Surgery. First awarded in 1979/80.

    Dr. John A. Sherman Memorial Award

    This monetary award was established by Mrs. John A. Sher­man in memory of her late husband, Dr. John A. Sherman, a graduate of the class of 1924, who gave great leadership to dentistry across the world and also served the profession as an inventor of dental equipment. The winner of this award will be the student who, having satis­factorily completed the Third Year of the course in Dentistry, is judged to be most outstanding on the basis of academic standing (didactic and clinical), extra-curricular activities, character and leader­ship qualities. First awarded in 1985.

    Students-for-Students Extra Curricular Award of Excellence

    This award was founded by the proceeds from Dentantics 2005 and 2006 and is awarded to a DDS third year student or students who have promoted the collegial environment of the Faculty of Dentistry. This contribution may include participation in a variety of extracurricular activities such as Dentantics, student mentorship, community outreach programs and sports while still achieving a strong academic record. First awarded in 2007.

    The University of Toronto Chinese Dental Students' Association Scholarship

    The University of Toronto Chinese Dental Stu­dents' Association has established a scholarship to be awarded to the most outstanding student in Third Year in the subject of Medicine and Oral Medicine. The award consists of the annual in­come from an endowment. First awarded in 1990.

    Wroblewski Memorial Prize

    This prize was established through the generosity of the family, friends and associates of the late P. A. Vincent Wroblewski, D.D.S., Dip. Paedodontics. The award consists of the annual income from an endowment and will be given to the Third Year student displaying superior ability in the field of Pediatric Dentistry. The student's inter­est, atti­tude and conduct will also be considered in mak­ing this award. First awarded in 1978.


    Fourth Year Awards

    Dr. Malcolm Yasny Honour Awards 

    Award established by the friends and family of Dr. Malcolm Yasny 5T2 to recognize two DDS 4 students who demonstrate a commitment to serving their peers and others in the profession of dentistry and in the broader community.  Dr. Yasny was a man of great dignity, grace and generosity with many accomplishments.  Dr. Yasny practiced orthodontics in Toronto for almost 50 years.  In 1963, he was part of establishing an orthodontics clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital, to which he donated his time until 1991, retiring as Head of the Division of Orthodontics. He is a past President of the Ontario Association of Orthodontists, the Canadian Association of Orthodontists, and the cross-border Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists.  He was president of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario from 1997 to 1999, and served that body for more than 10 years.  A past sessional instructor at the U of T Faculty of Dentistry, he was later its Director of Alumni Affairs and Continuing Education.

    Academy of Dentistry Prize 

    The Academy of Dentistry Prize of the value of $250 is awarded to the most outstanding student in the clinical work of Pediatric Dentistry. First awarded in 1944.

    Alpha Omega Fraternity Prize 

    This prize, the gift of the Alpha Omega Fraternity, is awarded annually to the student with the high­est overall achievement in the four years of dental studies in this Faculty. It is in the form of an in­scribed plaque. First awarded in 1950.

    John A. Bothwell Scholarship

    The estate of the late John A. Bothwell, D.D.S., has provided for the establishment of a scholar­ship, to be awarded every two years to the most outstand­ing student in clinical Prosthodontics. The value of this monetary scholarship consists of the income generated over two-year periods from a trust fund. First awarded in 1959.

    The J. G. Bourassa Cup 

    The Bourassa Cup is presented annually to the most outstanding member of the graduating class in Dentistry on the basis of academic proficiency and extra-curricular activities. It was provided by classmates of the late Joseph Gregory Bourassa, an outstanding member of the class of 1959, who lost his life a few months after graduation. The winner must obtain standing each year without supplementals or conditions and receive a significant number of points from the Dental Students’ Society on the basis of community service or participation in athletics and preferably both. The cup is kept permanently in the Dentistry building and the winner receives a commemorative plaque. First awarded in 1961.

    Harold Keith Box Prizes

    From an endowment given by Dr. Hubert W. deRenzy in recognition of the contributions to den­tistry made by the late H. K. Box, Ph.D., D.D.S., and now co-sponsored by The Ontario Society of Perio­dontists, two medals are awarded annu­ally, to two students who are the first and second most outstanding respectively in clinical Periodontics. First awarded in 1944.

    The Canadian Academy of Periodontology Prize

    The Canadian Academy of Periodontology has established an award comprising a textbook to be presented to the most outstanding student in the field of clinical Periodontics. First awarded in 1971.

    Willa Wen-Lan Liu Chou Award

    The estate of the late Willa Wen-Lan Liu Chou, D.D.S., has provided for the establishment of scholarships to be awarded to the student with the highest overall achievement in the work of First and Second Years and the student with the highest overall achieve­ment in the work of Third and Fourth Years. The award consists of the annual income to be awarded equally to a student in Second and Fourth Years. First awarded in 1981/82.

    Crown and Bridge Study Club (Toronto Academy) Scholarship

    The Toronto Crown and Bridge Study Club was started by a small group of dedicated dentists in 1954. Its stated purpose was to promote excellence in fixed bridge technique. Meetings were originally held at the U of T's Faculty of Dentistry building on College St. in Toronto. Through successive generations and locations, the club has grown to just over 600 members. Despite our club name, the focus of our continuing education has extended beyond Toronto geographically and "Crown and Bridge" philosophically to include all facets of clinical general dentistry. We have been AGD accredited since 1976. This reaffirms our goal to present the highest level of continuing education from globally recognized speakers without commercial support or endorsement. This allows us to present consistent excellent unbiased information in a collegial friendly open atmosphere. Presently our club is the largest in Canada and the second largest in North America. Our strength lies in the commitment of dedicated volunteer executive members who scout tirelessly for speakers and govern the annual operations of this organization. This spirit of professional excellence, community and cooperation will serve us well into our next 70 years. The Toronto Crown and Bridge Study Club established this Scholarship to offer a prize of $2,000 and a certificate to the most outstanding student in the Crown and Bridge component of clinical Restorative Dentistry. The first Scholarship was awarded in 1974.

    Davis Orthodontics Award 

    This award was established by Dr. Kevin Davis and is awarded to a Fourth Year dental student who has an interest or shows promise in Orthodontics. Not tenable with other Orthodontic awards. First awarded in 2006.

    Dean's Gold Medal 

    At the Dean's discretion a gold medal will be awarded to a student with exceptional achieve­ment throughout the four years. First awarded in 1978/79.

    The Denty/University of Toronto/Tel Aviv University Dental Student Exchange Award 

    This award was established by the Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University to permit students from this Faculty to visit the Faculty of Dentistry at Tel Aviv University in Israel. This award is to be given to undergraduate dental students at the University of Toronto who demonstrate financial need. It is to be used to help defray travel and living expenses while in Israel. This exchange is one of the selective electives in the Fourth Year program and the recipients are expected to spend a month over the Christmas break in Fourth Year at Tel Aviv University. First awarded in 1998.

    Edward G. Dore Award

    This award was established by friends and family in memory of Dr. Edward G. Dore, Class of 1935 and Diplomat in Dental Oral Surgery in 1952. The income from the endowed fund will be used to purchase a book in Oral Surgery or related field to be given to the Fourth Year student who demon­strates excellence in clinical Oral Surgery. This award is not tenable with other awards in Oral Surgery. First awarded in 1992.

    Irwin Fefergrad Award

    This award was established by Mr. I. Fefergrad and is awarded to one of the top fourth year dental students with a strong emphasis placed on ethics from the Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Administration course (DEN406Y) who through class participation has shown a community minded ethical interest. First awarded in 2005.

    Dr. Paula Gregory Memorial Award

    This award was established in memory of Dr. Paula Gregory, who died in 1986, by her class­mates in the Class of 1980. The monetary award is given to the graduating student who has been involved in programs offering den­tal services to the under-privileged or handi­capped, and who has also demonstrated academ­ic proficiency and involve­ment in extra-curricular activities during the four years of the D.D.S. pro­gram. First awarded in 1988.

    West Toronto Dental Society George Hare Essay in Endodontics Award

    The West Toronto Dental Society has established the George Hare Essay in Endodontics Award consisting of an annual donation of $250 and a plaque. All fourth year students are eligible to compete for this award by writing an essay on the topic prescribed by the Endodontics Department as the elective essay topic for that year, and the award is given to the student who writes the best essay. First awarded in 1987.

    Hugh Alexander Hoskin Scholarship

    This prize was established in 1954, through the generosity of friends and associates of the late Hugh Alexander Hoskin. The award is made annually to the most out­stand­ing student in clinical Oral Diagnosis. The value of the award is the annual income from an endowment. First awarded in 1955.

    Dr. Alan K. Joe and Family Scholarships in Orthodontics

    These scholarships were established through an endowment from the Dr. Alan K. Joe Family Foundation. There are two monetary awards and a plaque for each recipient and are to be given to two graduating students who have shown academic excellence, aptitude and initiative in Orthodontics throughout the undergraduate Orthodontic program. This award is not tenable with other Fourth Year awards in Orthodontics. First awarded in 1993.

    Joseph Harker Johnson Scholarship

    This award was established by former students and professional colleagues "in recognition and honour of Joseph Harker Johnson, D.D.S., formerly Profes­sor of Oral Surgery and Anaesthe­sia, Li­brarian of the Faculty, Curator of the Museum, distinguished author and outstanding repre­senta­tive of his pro­fession." It is awarded to the most outstanding student in clinical Oral Sur­gery and Anaesthesia. Its annual value is the income from the endow­ment fund. First awarded in 1967/68.

    Barry H. Korzen Endodontic Award

    This award was established by friends and col­leagues of Dr. Korzen to honour his term as Head of Endodontics from 1978 to 1989. The annual income from the endowment fund will be awarded to the Fourth Year student with the highest overall achievement in Second, Third and Fourth Year Endodontics. First awarded in 1992.

    Dr. Norman Levine Award in Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

    An endowment for this award was established upon the retirement of Dr. Levine as the first Director of the Qualifying Program in June 2001, by his friends and colleagues. First awarded in 2002. The Qualifying program graduated the last class in June 2007 and the award was changed to be awarded to a Fourth Year D.D.S. graduating student with the highest cumulative standing in the didactic and clinical aspects of third and fourth year pediatric dentistry and orthodontics. First awarded under the new terms in 2008.

    S. A. MacGregor Prize

    The Ontario Chapter of the Canadian Society of Dentistry for Children will award a certificate plus a textbook chosen by the CSDC Study Club and a free 1-year membership to the Study Club in honour of S. A. MacGregor, D.D.S., former pro­fessor of Paedodontics and Chairman of the Department, to the most outstanding student in clini­cal Paedo­dontics. First awarded in 1969/70 and amended in 2004.

    Dr. Charles Hyman Moses Award

    This award was established by Dr. J. H. Griss in honour of Dr. Charles Hyman Moses. A monetary award will be awarded to the student who shows superior ability in clinical Prosthodontics. First awarded in 1988.

    Dr. Michael Oliver Memorial Scholarship 

    An endowment for this award was established by a generous donation from the estate of the late Dr. Oliver.  Dr. Oliver was a role model for aspiring dentists and taught periodontics in our faculty from 1974-1993. He was tragically killed in a car accident in 2003. The award is for the student in fourth year who has the most promise to contribute to research in Periodontology. This is based on summer studentships, papers and abstracts, as well as general interest in research. First awarded in 2004.

    Oral Anatomy Scholarship

    The Oral Anatomy Scholarship was established in 1955 by an anonymous donor. This scholarship of $250 is awarded to a student with honours standing in the subject of Oral Anatomy in First Year and who is the most outstanding in the related subjects in Fourth Year, viz. clinical Oral Surgery and Ortho­dontics. First awarded in 1955.

    Orthodontic Prize

    An anonymous donor has generously provided for the annual award to the most outstanding student in the subject of clinical Orthodontics. First awarded in 1959.

    Prosthodontics Prize

    The Prosthodontics Prize, donated in 1948 by the late F. L. Cole, D.D.S., will be awarded to the most outstanding Fourth Year student in the field of clinical Prosthodontics. The monetary award is derived from the income from the trust fund. First awarded in 1949 and the terms revised in 1974.

    Dr. Boris Pulec Implant Dentistry Scholarship 

    This award was established by Dr. Boris Pulec, an alumnus of the University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry, a general practitioner and an active proponent of implant dentistry. The award will be awarded to a fourth year graduating student with the highest combined academic average in the fourth year courses in the disciplines of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, and implant dentistry. First awarded in 2006.

    Lynda Sellars Award in Comprehensive Patient Care
    This award was established by Ms. Corrine Sellars, daughter of Lynda Sellars, friends and colleagues in memory of Lynda who worked in the Faculty of Dentistry, Student Services Office for 18 years. The award will be awarded to the graduating student(s) who demonstrates the greatest overall proficiency with respect to the assessment, planning, treatment and management of assigned patients in the multi-disciplinary Comprehensvie Care Program. First awarded in 2011.

    Dr. Edward G. Sonley Award in Clinical Restorative Dentistry

    Dr. David Gardner established this award in honour of Dr. Sonley upon his retirement as Director of Clinics in 1997. The prize is to be awarded to the most outstanding student in the subject of Clinical Restorative Dentistry in Fourth Year. First awarded in 1998.

    Paul Takahashi Scholarship

    Through the generosity of Dr. Paul Takahashi, of Toronto, an annual scholarship of the income from a trust fund is awarded to the student who is the most outstanding in clinical Periodontics. First awarded in 1959.

    Piret Truuvert Memorial Award

    This award was established in memory of Dr. Piret Truuvert, who died in 1990, by her class­mates in the class of 1978. The monetary award is given to the graduating student who has the highest overall achievement in Sec­ond, Third and Fourth Year Preventive Dentistry. The recipient will be selected on the basis of didactic and clinical performance and extramural activities in Preventive Dentistry. First awarded in 1991.

    Albert E. Webster Memorial Scholarship

    This Scholarship was established, with funds donated by members of the dental profession, in memory of the late Albert E. Webster, M.D., D.D.S., LL.D., a member of the staff from 1893 to 1936, and from 1915 to 1923 Dean of the School of Dentistry. The first award was made in 1940, and was for Fourth Year students only. A bequest to the Faculty in 1990 from Dr. Howard George Lloyd to further honour Dr. Webster permitted the extension of this award to Second Year students as well. The annual income from the endowment fund provides two equal awards for the Second and Fourth Year students who are the most outstanding in the subject of clinical Restora­tive Dentistry over First and Second, and Third and Fourth Years respectively. First awarded under the new terms in 1991.

    Dr. Horace Wells Prize

    In 1951 the Canadian Oral Prophylactic Association donated the sum of $1000, together with a com­pleted die and gold medal, to recognize inter­est and accomplishment in dental anaesthesia and to commemorate Dr. Horace Wells who introduced the clinical use of nitrous oxide. The Dr. Horace Wells Medal will be awarded annually to the most outstanding graduating student in Anaesthesia. The first award was made in 1951 and the name was changed from the Canadian Oral Prophylactic Association prize to the Dr. Horace Wells Prize in 2001.

    Zindart Award in the Comprehensive Care Program

    An annual award of $500 has been established by the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (Ontario) Education Foundation. This award is given to the most outstanding student in the Fourth Year Comprehensive Care Program. First awarded in 2000.

    Faculty Council Awards

    These awards are based on a subject chosen and announced each year by Faculty Council. The awards are given to the most outstanding student in the subject.

    Henry Schein Canada Inc. Award

    (Varying Years)

    This Scholarship of the value of $400 is donated annually to commemorate the first President of the Ash Temple Limited Company. Honours’ standing in the subject is required. First awarded in 1947 and the name changed in 2006.

    Elsevier Canada Health Sciences Book Award 

    (Varying Years)

    Through the generosity of Elsevier Canada Publishing Company, a gift certificate is awarded from the Elsevier Canada (formerly Harcourt Brace & Co.) publishing list. First awarded in 1957/58 and amended in 2005.

    Royal College of Dental Surgeons Scholarship In Basic Sciences

    (First Year)

    Through the generosity of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, an award is given in the amount of $350. Honours’ standing is re­quired. First awarded in 1971/72.

    Summer Funding

    Dental Alumni Association Summer Student Research Award

    In 1957, the University of Toronto Dental Alumni Association established a Loan Fund, which was designed to help students in need.  In 1995, this fund was converted from a loan fund to a fund to provide support for undergraduate students to do research in the summer. It is awarded to the best undergraduate student in the D.D.S. program who is selected for a summer student research position and funding is provided at the same level as to other summer research students. To be considered for this award, a student must apply for a summer student research position in the Faculty.

    Dr. Robert E. Echlin Memorial Fund in Outreach Dentistry

    This fund was established by Mrs. M. L. Echlin, her family and friends in memory of Dr. Robert E. Echlin. It is intended that the annual income from the endowment be used to provide expenses (e.g., board, lodging, travel) and a small honorarium if possible to enable the Faculty to send students to work in underserviced areas with underprivileged people (the life-long interest of Dr. Echlin). Students will be permitted to spend a period sometime during their third or fourth dental years with a project or institution providing such levels of dental care. 

    In practice, the students spend three weeks in the summer following Third Year at Moose Factory in Northern Ontario since the student must be supervised by a dentist recognized by the Faculty.

    Students must apply for funding by January 31 each year to the Faculty Registrar in a written proposal detailing their plans. Funding will be granted by the Faculty Council on the advice of the Undergraduate Grading Practices Committee. For further information, students should consult the Faculty Registrar. 

    H. M. Bradley Fund

    A legacy was provided to the Faculty by the late Helen Merrill Bradley, the income from which is used for the assistance of students registered in the Faculty of Dentistry. Income from this fund may be used to help defray the travel expenses of under­graduates participating in an official exchange visit to an overseas dental school, provid­ing they are able to furnish evidence of financial need. The income may also be used for the as­sistance of needy students registered in one of the Faculty's postgraduate programs who are receiving no assis­tance from any other source. The fund was estab­lished and first used in ses­sion 1971/72. Applica­tion should be made to the Faculty Registrar.

    C.I.H.R. Summer Student Scholarship Program

    The Faculty receives a number of awards to support undergraduate students in carrying out research projects. One of the major sources of funds is the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Summer Student Scholarship Program, which provides financial assistance for several students to work through the summer months in the research labo­ratories of Faculty members. On the basis of presentations made by the students concerning their research, some are selected to attend vari­ous meetings of the dental research community to present their work.

    ODA Summer Research Award

    An endowment for this award was established by a generous donation by the Dentistry Canada Fund on the recommendation of the Ontario Dental Association. This will be awarded to undergraduate student(s) at the University of Toronto in the Faculty of Dentistry undertaking summer research. 

    Pynn Family Travel Award

    An endowment for this award was established by a generous donation by Dr. Bruce Pynn and family.  Dr. Pynn graduated in 1990 from U of T and obtained his post graduate degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and has been working in private practice in Thunder Bay since graduation. He has always been active in research having obtained his MSc prior to entering dental school and was fortunate to travel extensively during his research years. Thus this award is targeted to undergraduate students to assist travel and present their work during those formative years. This award is to be awarded annually to an undergraduate University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry student or students with the strongest scientific content at the Faculty of Dentistry’s Summer Student program presentations in August to support travel to the IADR Conference. The amount of the award will be based on the annual income from the fund. First awarded in 2006.

    The Margaret & Clifford Zettle Award

    An endowment for this award was established by a generous donation by Dr. Katherine Zettle, a graduate of the University of Toronto’s D.D.S. program (’87) and the M.Sc. in Pediatric Dentistry program (’95) in honour of her parents. This award will be awarded to a student who has successfully completed third year of the DDS program and will be used for a one month summer elective placement providing care for persons with disabilities (including geriatric care) at one of the Faculty of Dentistry’s affiliated teaching hospitals.


    Undergraduate students may be eligible for Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) funding. More information can be found on the OSAP website


    The Dr. W. B. & Edna May Amy Bursary Fund

    Through a generous bequest of the late Edna May Amy, degree students registered in the Faculty of Dentistry who are in financial need may apply for bursary assistance from this fund.

    BPP – Dr. Greg S. Anderson Dentistry Award

    An endowment was established by a generous donation from Dr. G.S. Anderson who wanted to give back to the Faculty of Dentistry. It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Dr. Aldo and Peggy Boccia Scholarship 

    (Any D.D.S. Year)
    This endowment was established by Dr. Aldo and Peggy Boccia and matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS), D.D.S. students who are in financial need may apply for bursary assistance from this fund.\

    Cerum Ortho Organizers Bursary

    Cerum Ortho Organizers each year provides $500 for a bursary to be awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any year of the D.D.S. program in which Orthodontic courses are given. First awarded in 2003.

    Charles Hunt Scholarship

    This endowment was established by Dave Hunt and matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS). It is to be awarded to D.D.S. student(s) in first or second year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Cho Kyung Chu Award

    This award was generously established to be awarded to an undergraduate student who demonstrated financial need with preference given to a DDS3 student who was enrolled in the Faculty's International Dentist Advanced Placement Program (IDAPP). 

    BPP - Class of 6T3 Dentistry Award

    This endowment was established by the Class of 1963 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry. It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Class of 7T3 Dentistry Award at the University of Toronto

    This endowment was established by the Class of 1973 and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP), on the occasions of their 35th and 40th class reunions. It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    BPP - Class of 7T9 Dentistry Student Assistance Award

    This endowment was established by the Class of 1979 on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of their graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry. It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Classic Dental Laboratories Bursary

    Classic Dental Laboratories Ltd. each year provides $500 for a bursary to be awarded to a student in the 3rd or 4th year of the D.D.S. program on the basis of financial need. First awarded in 2003.

    Dr. H. Keith Davey 2T4 Award 

    This endowment was established by Dr. K.W. Davey (5T3) and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP), in memory of his father, Dr. Harold Keith Davey (DDS 2T4).  It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Dr. Keith W. Davey 5T3 Award 

    This endowment was established by Dr. K.W. Davey (5T3) and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP). It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Dr. Robert DeMiglio 9T9 and Family Admissions Bursary

    This award was generously established to be awarded to an incoming undergraduate student in the Faculty of Dentistry on the basis of financial need. 

    Dental Alumni Association Bursaries

    Through the generosity of the Dental Alumni, two Dental Alumni Association Bursaries, each of the value of $200, are offered each year to students enrolled in any year of the course in Dentistry upon the basis of need and scholarship. The first awards were made in 1953.

    Dental Alumni Association Admission Bursary Fund

    The Dental Alumni Association also provides $500 each year for the awarding of bursaries to students in the first year of the course. These admission bursaries were established in 1972 and first pre­sented in session 1972/73. They replace an admission scholarship provided by the Dental Alumni Association up to 1971/72.

    Dentistry Annual Fund Bursary Fund

    Through the generous donations of alumni, which were then matched by the University of Toronto and the Government of Ontario, an endowment fund has been established to provide bursaries for needy students in the Faculty of Dentistry. First awarded in 1998.

    The Robert B. Dunlop Award 

    This endowment was established from the estate of Robert B. Dunlop to establish bursaries in honour,of Dr. Dunlop.  Dr. Dunlop taught for many years at the Faculty of Dentistry, along with 40 years in private practice. To be awarded to D.D.S. students on the basis of financial need.

    BPP – Professor Forst Fuller Scholarship

    An endowment was established by a generous donation from Dr. J.T. and Mrs. M. Mayhall in memory of Mrs. Mayhall’s father. It is to be awarded to (a) D.D.S. student(s) at the University, Faculty of Dentistry on the basis of financial need and academic merit with a preference for a student in second year. 

    Gina Furtado Memorial Bursary

    This award was established by Alda Furtado in loving memory of her daughter Dr. Gina Furtado who tragically passed away in 2006. Dr. Furtado graduated from U of T with a in 1991 and received her DDS from New York University in 1995. Dr. Furtado believed in giving back to her community and her family and her mother are continuing this tradition. To be awarded to one or more students in any year of study on the basis of financial need.

    Dr. Thomas Howard Graham Bursaries

    The estate of Ms. Audrey Graham, who passed away in 2003, donated an endowment to establish bursaries in honour of her father, Dr. Thomas Howard Graham, a 1909 D.D.S. graduate. To be awarded to D.D.S. students on the basis of financial need. First awarded in 2008.

    The Dr. Harry Jolley Bursary

    The Dental Service Associates Volunteers of Mount Sinai Hospital have established this bursa­ry in honour of Dr. Harry Jolley. It is awarded to a stu­dent with demonstrated financial need who has performed satisfactorily in the D.D.S. program to date. Preference will be given to a student who has shown a special interest in community ser­vice. First awarded in 1988.

    Dr. James Kerr/Oral Health Award 

    This endowment was established by Oral Health Magazine in honour of Dr. James Kerr (D.D.S. 6T6). It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Dr. L.W. Leake Bursary 

    This award was established by Dr. J. Leake, family and friends to honour the memory of Dr. Lawson Leake, who graduated from the University of Toronto in 1934. To be awarded to a student in any year of the D.D.S. program on the basis of financial need. First awarded in 2005.

    Lenkinksi Family Bursary 

    This award was generously established to be awarded to an undergraduate student in any year of the D.D.S. Program at the Faculty of Dentistry on the basis of financial need. 

    Hugh MacKay-Bill Kivlichan Dentistry Bursary

    This endowment was established by the Dental Emergency Service and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP). It is to be awarded to full-time D.D.S. students in any year on the basis of financial need. 

    Dr. Nicholas A. Mancini Bursary 

    This endowment was established by Dr. Nicholas A. Mancini and matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS). Dr. Mancini graduated from U of T in 1945 with a B.A. He also served as Chairman of the board of the ODA from 1969-96 and was appointed Chair Emeritus for life in recognition for his contributions. The CDA recognized his years of service with Honourary Membership. The annual income of the endowment is to be awarded to D.D.S. students on the basis of financial need.

    Lisa Montanera Bursary at the University of Toronto 

    This endowment was established by Dr. and Mrs. Montanera, family and friends and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP), in memory of Lisa, a warmhearted and caring D.D.S. student who passed away unexpectedly during her second year. It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    BPP - ODA Boundless Promise Dentistry Award

    An endowment was established by a generous donation by the Dentistry Canada Fund on the recommendation of the Ontario Dental Association. It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in second, third or fourth year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    ODA Student Bursary 

    This endowment was established by the Ontario Dental Association (ODA) and matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS). Bursaries are to be given to D.D.S. students on the basis of financial need.

    Poyton Graduate Student Bursary in Oral Radiology 

    This bursary was established through a generous donation from Dr. H.G. and Mrs. E.M. Poyton. The bursary will be awarded to students in M.Sc., (Oral Radiology) degree program who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Ontario on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. First awarded in 2005. 

    The Ontario Dental Association Bursaries

    The Ontario Dental Association each year pro­vides $1000 for bursaries, which are, awarded to students in any year of the course whose aca­demic stand­ing, is satisfactory and who have demonstrated financial need.

    Dr. Victor C. Stanziani Dentistry Award

    This endowment was established by Mr. J. Stanziani and family and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP), in loving memory of Dr. V.C. Stanziani (D.D.S. 5T8). It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Tomkins Family Award in Dentistry 

    This endowment was established by Mr. and Mrs. Tomkins and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP), in honour of their daughter, Dr. J.L. Tomkins (DDS 8T1) association with the Faculty of Dentistry. It is to be awarded to D.D.S. students in any year of the program on the basis of financial need.

    Toronto Alpha Omega Memorial Bursary 

    This bursary is given by the Toronto Alumni Chapter of The Alpha Omega Fraternity as a memorial to de­ceased members, and supersedes the earlier Julius J. Levine Memorial Bursary. To be eligi­ble, a student must be registered in Third Year with satisfactory academic standing and must demonstrate financial need. The minimum value of the bursary is $200. The first award was made in 1969/70.

    John Flewelling West Bursary

    This gift from the estate of the late John Flewelling West, is awarded annually to the stu­dent or students in any year of the Faculty of Dentistry who demon­strate serious financial need and who are deserving of assistance. The bursary is the annual. First awarded 1977/78.

    University of Toronto Bursaries

    Bursary assistance is available from a general University fund. The Faculty application form is used for assessment purposes.

    Bursary for Aboriginal Students in the D.D.S. or Graduate Programs  

    Gladys Watson Education Fund

    To be awarded to Aboriginal students, including Status, Non-Status, Métis and Inuit students, enrolled in graduate programs at the master’s or doctoral level, and second-entry programs. All Aboriginal students in these programs are eligible to apply, full-time and part-time, with preference given to those students who demonstrate financial need.  Eligible students should submit a letter of application listing their estimated costs and sources of funding to First Nations House, Office of Aboriginal Student Services and Programs, 563 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A1 by April 30th. Enquiries: please call (416) 978-8227 or (416) 978-7960.

    Dr. Aviv Ouanounou Student Service Learning Outreach Fund

    This fund was established in 2017 by Dr. Aviv Ouanounou (0T0), Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. It is intended that this expendable fund be used to provide expenses (e.g., board, lodging, travel) to enable the Faculty to send students in the fourth year of their DDS program to work in Uganda to gain service learning experience and support the local community.

    Students must apply for the program. For further information, students should consult the Program Director, Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh.

    Class of 8T2 Student Service Learning Outreach Fund

    This fund was established in 2017 by the Class of 8T2.  It is intended that the income generated from this endowment be used to provide expenses (e.g., board, lodging, travel) to enable the Faculty to send students in the fourth year of their DDS program to work in international locations to gain service learning experience and support the local community.

    Students must apply for the program.  For further information, students should consult the Program Director, Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh.

    Dr. Rowshani Student Outreach Fund

    This fund was established in 2017 by Dr. Shervin Rowshani (1T0). It is intended that the income generated from this endowment be used to provide expenses (e.g., board, lodging, travel) to enable the Faculty to send students in the fourth year of their DDS program to work in national and international sites to gain service learning experience and support rural communities.

    Students must apply for the program. For further information, students should consult the Program Director, Dr. Amir Azarpazhooh.