The Student Services Office will contact you to inform you of deadlines and send you forms to complete to apply for financial aid. You cannot apply for specific funds or awards.
We are grateful to all our donors and alumni who have made these awards possible.
Aboriginal Students: all year groups, all programs
Wilson G. Harron Trust
Open to any Canadian aboriginal students in the Faculty of Dentistry (status, non-status, Metis as defined by the Federal Government). This award is to assist you with the costs incurred in dental education not covered by federal grants. Four awards are available each year to DDS and graduate students.
All DDS students – any year
- The Dr W. B. and Edna May Amy Bursary Fund
For any students at the Faculty of Dentistry who are in financial need.
- Dr Greg S. Anderson Dentistry Award
Established by alumnus Dr G.S. Anderson who wanted to give back to the Faculty of Dentistry. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Dr Aldo and Peggy Boccia Scholarship
Established by Dr Aldo and Peggy Boccia and matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS).
- Charles Hunt Scholarship
Established by Dave Hunt and matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS).
- Class of 6T3 Dentistry Award
Established by the Class of 1963 on the 50th anniversary of their graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Class of 7T3 Dentistry Award
Established by the Class of 1973 to mark their 35th and 40th class reunions. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Class of 7T9 Dentistry Student Assistance Award
Established by the Class of 1979 on the 35th anniversary of their graduation from the Faculty of Dentistry. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Dr H. Keith Davey 2T4 Award
Established by Dr K.W. Davey (5T3) in memory of his father, Dr Harold Keith Davey (DDS 2T4). Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Dr Keith W. Davey 5T3 Award
Established by Dr K.W. Davey (5T3) and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Dentistry Annual Fund Bursary Fund
Established in 1998 through the generous donations of alumni, which were then matched by the University of Toronto and the Government of Ontario.
- The Robert B. Dunlop Award
Established from the estate of Dr Robert B. Dunlop who taught for many years at the Faculty of Dentistry, along with 40 years in private practice.
- Valerie Stavro Student Bursary
Established by Dr Valerie Stavro (DDS 8T4), past UofT Dentistry Alumni Board President and long-time instructor in dentistry in memory of her late father, Chris Stavro. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Zettle Family Boundless Award in Dentistry
Established by Dr Katherine Zettle, a graduate of the University of Toronto’s DDS program (1987) and the MSc in Pediatric Dentistry program (1995). For full-time DDS students based on financial need and academic merit. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Gina Furtado Memorial Bursary
Established by Alda Furtado in loving memory of her daughter Dr Gina Furtado who tragically passed away in 2006. Dr Furtado graduated from UofT with a BSc degree in 1991 and received her DDS from New York University in 1995. Dr Furtado believed in giving back to her community, and her family and mother are continuing this tradition.
- Dr Thomas Howard Graham Bursaries
Established in 2008 by the estate of Ms Audrey Graham in honour of her father, Dr Thomas Howard Graham, a 1909 DDS graduate.
- The Dr Harry Jolley Bursary
The Dental Service Associates Volunteers of Mount Sinai Hospital established this bursary in 1998 in honour of Dr Harry Jolley. Preference will be given to a student who has shown a special interest in community service.
- Dr James Kerr / Oral Health Award
Established by Oral Health Magazine in honour of Dr James Kerr (DDS 6T6).
- Dr L.W. Leake Bursary
Established in 2005 by Dr J. Leake, family and friends to honour the memory of Dr Lawson Leake, who graduated from the University of Toronto in 1934.
- Hugh MacKay – Dental Emergency Bursary
Established by the Dental Emergency Service and matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Dr Nicholas A. Mancini Bursary
Established by Dr Nicholas A. Mancini and matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS). Dr Mancini graduated from UofT in 1945 with a BA. He also served as Chairman of the board of the ODA from 1969-96 and was appointed Chair Emeritus for life in recognition for his contributions. The CDA recognized his years of service with Honorary Membership.
- Lisa Montanera Bursary at the University of Toronto
Established by Dr and Mrs Montanera, family and friends in memory of Lisa, a warm-hearted and caring DDS student who passed away unexpectedly during her second year. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- ODA Student Bursary
Established by the Ontario Dental Association (ODA) and matched by the Ontario Trust for Student Support (OTSS).
- The Ontario Dental Association Bursaries
The Ontario Dental Association each year provides $1,000 for for students in any year of the DDS who has good academic standing and financial need.
- Dr Victor C. Stanziani Dentistry Award
Established by Mr J. Stanziani and family in loving memory of Dr V.C. Stanziani (DDS 5T8). Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Tomkins Family Award in Dentistry
Established by Mr and Mrs Tomkins in honour of their daughter, Dr J.L. Tompkins (DDS 8T1). Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- John Flewelling West Bursary
This gift from the estate of the late John Flewelling West, is awarded annually to the student or students in any year of the Faculty of Dentistry who are in serious financial need.
First year DDS students
- Antony and Hedy Kalamut Award
This award was established in 2005 by Dr Frank Kalamut, a part-time instructor in the dental program, in honour of his parents. This award cannot be combined with other admission awards.
- George and Olga Haas Scholarship at the University of Toronto
Established by Dr Daniel Haas in memory of his parents, who placed tremendous value on higher education. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Javenthy Soobiah Admission Scholarship
Established in 1992 by Miss Javenthy Soobiah in the Faculty of Dentistry. This will be given to the student entering the First Year of the DDS program who shows outstanding academic ability based upon their application documents. This award cannot be combined with other admission awards.
- Somborac Admission Scholarship
Established in 1991 by Mrs Roxy Somborac, the widow of Dr Stephen Somborac, Class of 1959, and the mother of Dr Milan Somborac, Class of 1964, in their honour. This will be given to the student entering the First Year of the DDS program who shows outstanding academic ability based upon their application documents. This award cannot be combined with other admission awards.
- The Albert Dahlberg Admission Scholarship
Established in 1998 by Dr John Mayhall, a professor in the Faculty of Dentistry, in honour of Dr Albert Dahlberg, one of the founders of the field of dental anthropology. This will be given to the student entering the First Year of the DDS program on the basis of financial need and academic merit. It will only be awarded to incoming students who have completed a graduate degree or equivalent before enrolling in the DDS program.
- The Dr Paul LaDelfa Memorial Admission Scholarship
Established in 1998 in memory of Dr LaDelfa, Class of 1982, who died in May 1996 in a tragic car accident.
- Tom Lykos Memorial Scholarship
Established by members of the class of 1989, family and friends of Tom Lykos to honour his memory. Tom died (in 1987) while in the second year of the program. This will be given to the student entering the First Year of the DDS program who shows outstanding academic ability.
Second, third or fourth year DDS students
- ODA Boundless Promise Dentistry Award
Established by a generous donation by the Dentistry Canada Fund on the recommendation of the Ontario Dental Association. It is to be awarded to DDS students in second, third or fourth year of the program on the basis of financial need. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
- Professor Forst Fuller Scholarship
Established by Dr J.T. and Mrs M. Mayhall in memory of Mrs Mayhall’s father. For full-time DDS students, preferably in their second year, based on financial need and academic merit. Matched by the Boundless Promise Program (BPP).
Graduate students
- Wilson G. Harron Trust: Harron Scholarships
The trust was established in 1989 from the estate of Mrs Norma F. Harron in memory of her husband, Dr Wilson G. Harron, member of the Class of 1925.
Annual scholarships (usually four per year) are available to support students with a demonstrated interest in pursuing research training in preparation for an academic career. You must be completing a PhD, or MSc with intention to transfer to PhD and have an excellent academic record.
As a Harron scholar, you would receive an income of $17,000 per year (plus a differential fee waiver equivalent to the difference between the international and domestic doctoral fees for an international scholar) for up to four years, dependent upon maintaining an excellent academic performance.
It is required that, as a Harron Scholar, you compete for funding from other sources for which you are eligible e.g. OGS, CIHR, from your second year onwards. Success in securing external funding can result in a ‘fellowship top-up’ and/or funding until completion of your program.
- Wilson G. Harron Trust: Harron Travel Award
Travel allowance (maximum of $2,000 per year) for presenting research papers at scientific meetings. Open to all PhD students. Applications accepted throughout the year.
- Wilson G. Harron Trust: Bursary for Graduate Students
Open to Canadian or overseas students.
- Constantine Maniatopoulos Graduate Scholarship
Established to honour the memory of Dr Constantine Maniatopoulos who graduated from the Faculty with a PhD in Biomaterials in 1988, and died suddenly in March 1989. The award will be given to the graduate student(s) presenting the best poster(s) at the Faculty of Dentistry’s annual Research Day.
- H. M. Bradley Fund: overseas dental school visits and postgraduate support
Established in 1971 by the late Helen Merrill Bradley for two purposes:
- To help fund travels expenses for DDS students participating in an official exchange visit to an overseas dental school.
- For graduate students who need funding assistance and are not receiving funds from any other source.
- Eleanor and Gerald Copeland Bursary
For students who are Canadian Citizens with Ontario residency based on academic merit and financial need.
- The Government of Ontario/Dentistry Scholarship in Science and Technology (OGSST)
Two awards are currently held by the Graduate Department of Dentistry. Each award is currently valued at $15,000 per annum. Awarded on the basis of excellence in academic and research activities.
- The Javenthy Soobiah in memory of Mr and Mrs Joe Soobiah/Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Dentistry
Ms Javenthy Soobiah made these scholarships possible by the generous donation of her home to the Faculty of Dentistry. Three scholarships are given annually to graduate students enrolled in full-time graduate programs in the Faculty of Dentistry. The funding for these scholarships is shared between the University of Toronto and the Provincial Government.
- Dentistry Graduate Student Bursary Fund
Through the generous donations of various faculty members and others, an endowment fund has been established to provide bursaries, of varying amounts, for Graduate Students in any of the Faculty of Dentistry’s graduate programs on the basis of financial need.
Graduate students: specialty programs
- Wilson G. Harron Trust: MSc Dental Speciality Scholarship
Two annual scholarships; each valued at $12,000 to be awarded to outstanding students entering MSc Dental Speciality Programs.
Each year one scholarship will be allocated to the student with the best record in academic, research and creative activities, the other annual award will rotate among the speciality programs and will be allocated to the student with the best record in academic, research, and creative activities.
- Biochemical sciences - matrix biology: Dr Jaroslav Sodek Memorial Award
This award was established by the University of Toronto in memory of Dr Jaroslav Sodek who impacted people and institutes around the world through his depth of understanding of biology, his rigorous devotion to science, and his appreciation of the human element of the research enterprise. Dr Sodek was a founding member of the MRC Group in Periodontal Physiology and was an active staff member in the Faculty of Dentistry from 1973 to his untimely death in 2007. This award is to be given to graduate student(s) showing the most promise in biochemical sciences related to matrix biology.
- Dental public health: Donald Lewis Dental Public Health Student Award
Established by the friends and colleagues of Dr Donald Lewis to honour his retirement from the Faculty of Dentistry in 1997.
- Dental public health: Glenn T. Mitton Medal
Presented by the Ontario Association of Public Health Dentists, this medal is awarded annually to the student standing highest in general proficiency in the graduate program in Dental Public Health.
- Dental public health: Ontario Society for Preventive Dentistry: Public Health Research Fellowship
Established by the Ontario Society for Preventive Dentistry in 2008 to support research by graduate students in the discipline of Public Health.
- Dental public health: Dr George Vasiga Scholarship
This annual award was established in 2011 by Dr George Vasiga, an alumnus of the Faculty of Dentistry (DDS and Orthodontics). The award is to be given to a graduate student in Dental Public Health on the basis of academic achievement and financial need. You must meet Ontario Trust Student Support Program (OTSS) conditions to be eligible.
- Endodontics: Dr Barry Korzen Scholarship
Established by Dr and Mrs Nusbaum and family to honour Dr Korzen for his outstanding contributions and leadership at Head of Endodontics and Assistant Dean of the Faculty. For PhD students with preference given to students in Endodontics.
- Endodontics: Shimon Friedman and Cal Torneck Research Fellowship in Endodontics
The award was established in 2008 by the University of Toronto Endodontic Alumni and Friends to honour Dr. Shimon Friedman and Dr. Cal Torneck’s contribution to the discipline of Endodontics at the University of Toronto. The award will support research by graduate students in the discipline of Endodontics.
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Gerald I. Baker Scholarship in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
For a graduate student in the area of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. First awarded in 2007.
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Howard James MacLaurin Scholarship
Established by the late Howard James MacLaurin (DDS), this is awarded to the most outstanding student in the graduate program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in their penultimate year. The award is to be used to attend a professional or scientific meeting in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
- Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine: Dr David Mock Scholarship at the University of Toronto
Established by Dr and Mrs Nusbaum and family to honour Dr Mock for his outstanding contributions and leadership during his tenure as Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry from 2001-2012. For PhD students with preference given to students in Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine.
- Orthodontics: Manly Badner Graduate Orthodontic Award
For final year Orthodontics students to purchase a set of premium orthodontic pliers and an appropriate plier holder. Established in 2005 by Dr M. Badner, this annual award recognises excellence in the clinical application of biomechanical principles.
- Orthodontics: Aaron L. Posen Award
Donated by Dr A. L. Posen's friends in recognition of his service to the Faculty and his contribution to Orthodontics, particularly through research. This award is given each year for creativity and excellence to the most deserving of the final year students in Orthodontics.
- Orthodontics: Dr W. Bruce and Susan Malloch Fellowships
Two awards were established in 2006:
- One award is designated specifically for a Graduate Orthodontic student
- The other is available to another graduate student enrolled in any other Dentistry graduate program including Orthodontics.
- Orthodontics: The Southern Ontario Surgical Orthodontic Study Club Award
Established by the Southern Ontario Surgical Orthodontic Study Club to recongise the Second Year Orthodontics student who gives the best Craniofacial Morphology and Development presentation for that year.
- Pediatrics: Dr Norman Levine Bursary in Graduate Pediatric Dentistry
Established in 1997 by Dr and Mrs Norman Levine and family. Dr Levine, Class of 1960, was a member of the Faculty for many years and was head of Pediatric Dentistry from 1978 to 1993.
- Prosthodontics: Astra Tech Research Fellowship in Prosthodontics
Established in 2008 by Astra Tech to support research by graduate students in the discipline of Prosthodontics.
- Prosthodontics: Nobel Biocare Research Fellowship in Prosthodontics
Established by Nobel Biocare in 2008 to support research by graduate students in the discipline of Prosthodontics.
- Radiology: Poyton Graduate Student Bursary in Oral Radiology
Established in 2005 through a generous donation from Dr H.G. and Mrs E.M. Poyton. Awarded to MSc Oral Radiology students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Ontario on the basis of academic achievement and financial need.
- Radiology: Poyton Graduate Award for Research in Oral Radiology
Awarded to MSc Oral Radiology on the basis of academic achievement and financial need.