Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)

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Overview of the program

Number of places available


Length of Program

4 years


Complete 3 full years of university education.

A minimum grade point average of 3.00 (4.00 scale) at time of applying.

You also need to complete some tests (see β€˜How to apply’ below).


When completed, you will be eligible to take the national licensing exam to become a practicing dentist (through the National Dental Examining Board).

Important dates

1 July – 1 November: you can submit an application.

Approximate dates:

  • February 8 & 9: if successful, you will be interviewed
  • March: we will let you know if you have a place
  • August: you can register for your program
  • September: your program begins, welcome to the Faculty!

Our internationally renowned professional undergraduate program prepares Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) students for a future in dental practice. 

As one of our undergraduate dental students, you will learn how to apply the fundamentals of basic science to comprehensive clinical care to our Faculty's 15,000+ new patients each year. 

  • In years 1 and 2, you will gain in-depth expertise on the fundamentals of dentistry, basic science and diagnostics. 
  • In years 3 and 4, you are given unique opportunities to treat patients in one of our 14 dental clinics, or through one of our community service learning opportunities.

Completing the DDS will allow you to take the national licensing exam to become a practicing dentist (through the National Dental Examining Board). You cannot practice dentistry until then.

Courses taught

You will be taught by leading experts in a wide range of dentistry and other professional skills.

The courses of the curriculum are divided into two categories - didactic and clinical. 

  • Didactic includes all lectures and some laboratories and pre-clinical courses.
  • Clinical comprises the pre-clinical laboratory courses of first and second years, and all clinical work in third and fourth years. This involves working with patients.
Year one
  • Dental Public Health I (DEN103Y1)
  • Gross Anatomy (DEN106Y1)
  • Histology (DEN109H1)
  • Preventive Dentistry (DEN113Y1)
  • Dental Anatomy and Occlusion (DEN118H1)
  • Biological Basis of Oral Health and Disease (DEN121Y1)
  • Microbiology (DEN124Y1)
  • Restorative Dentistry (pre-clinical and didactic) (DEN130H1/DEN180H1)
  • Biomaterials Science (DEN150Y1)
  • Prosthodontics (DEN177H1)
  • Comprehensive Care 1 – Pre-clinical Skills (DEN199Y)
Year two
  • Anaesthesia (DEN200H1)
  • Communication Skills (DEN202H1)
  • Basic Disease Mechanisms (DEN203H1)
  • Dental Public Health II (DEN207H1)
  • Endodontics (DEN208H1)
  • Periodontics (DEN211Y1)
  • Pharmacology (DEN212Y1)
  • Preventive Dentistry and Clinical Nutrition (DEN215H1)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (DEN217H1)
  • Restorative Dentistry: didactic and clinical (DEN218Y1/DEN280Y1)
  • Medicine and Pathology (DEN219H1)
  • Orthodontics (DEN222H1)
  • Pediatric Dentistry (DEN223H1)
  • Ethics, Professionalism, Law I (online course) (DEN249H1)
  • Prosthodontics (DEN277Y1)
  • Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) II – Preventive and Periodontal Services (DEN299Y1)
  • Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine (DEN356Y1)
Year three
  • Anaesthesia (DEN301Y1) 
  • Endodontics (DEN303H1/DEN453Y1)
  • Dental Public Health III (DEN308Y1)
  • Oral Medicine and Pathology (DEN315Y1)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (DEN317Y1)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DEN318Y1)
  • Orthodontics (didactic and clinical) (DEN322Y1/ DEN365Y1)
  • Paediatric Dentistry (didactic and clinical) (DEN323Y1/ DEN368Y1)
  • Periodontics (didactic and clinical) (DEN324Y1/ DEN371Y1)
  • Pharmacology (DEN327H1)
  • Prosthodontics (didactic and clinical) (DEN333Y1/ DEN377Y1)
  • Restorative Dentistry (didactic and clinical) (DEN336Y1/ DEN380Y1)
  • Ethics, Professionalism, Law II (DEN349H1)
  • Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) III - Introduction to Treatment Planning and Total Patient Care (DEN350Y1)
  • Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine (DEN356Y1)
  • Preventive Dentistry (DEN374Y)
  • Case-Based Learning (DEN403H1)
  • Practice Administration (DEN409Y1)
  • Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) IV - Comprehensive Care (clinical and didactic) (DEN450Y1/ DEN451Y1)
  • Community Based Service Learning: Psychiatry and Dentistry lectures (DEN490Y1)
Year four
  • Anaesthesia (DEN400H1)
  • Practice Administration (DEN409Y1)
  • Orofacial Pain:  Mechanisms, Diagnosis, Management (DEN410H1)
  • Clinical Application of Practice Administration (DEN411Y1)
  • Ethics, Professionalism, Law III (DEN449H1)
  • CCP4 - Comprehensive Care (didactic and clinical) (DEN451Y1/DEN450Y1)
  • Endodontics (DEN453Y1)
  • Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine (DEN456Y1)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (DEN459Y1)
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DEN462Y1)
  • Orthodontics (DEN465Y1)
  • Pediatric Dentistry (DEN468Y1)
  • Periodontics (DEN471Y1)
  • Preventive Dentistry (DEN474Y1)
  • Prosthodontics (DEN477Y1)
  • Restorative Dentistry (DEN480Y1)
  • Community Based Service Learning (DEN490Y1)
  • Dental Outreach Community Services (DEN491Y1)
  • Dental Outreach Global Services (DEN492Y1)


Admission facts #1

In 2024, of our successful applicants:

  • 30 had 3 years university education
  • 53 had 4+ years university education
  • 13 had a Masters
  • 0 had a PhD


To successfully apply for one of the 96 places in the Doctor of Dental Surgery program, you will need:

  1. Three years of specific university study before applying to dentistry
  2. A Grade Point Average (GPA) over 3.0
  3. To pass various tests as part of the application process outlined in How to apply for the DDS: the process later on this page.


1. You will need three years of specific university study before applying to dentistry

You need to complete three years of university education by the end of May 2025 (for the application window starting in July 2024).

This must include all of the below:


Number needed

Details required

General biochemistry

One full year, or two half year courses (two semesters)

It must cover:

  • Protein chemistry and the chemistry of other biomolecules
  • Cellular metabolism 
  • Molecular biology

General mammalian (human or animal) physiology

One full year, or two half year courses (two semesters)

This course should cover the following systems: 

  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Haemostasis mechanisms
  • Haematopoietic system
  • Nervous system
  • Immune system
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Renal physiology
  • Neurophysiology
  • Endocrinology 
  • Gastrointestinal physiology

Life Sciences (biology based courses)

Two full year, or four half year courses (four semesters)

This can include any of the below:

  • Anatomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Botany
  • Genetics
  • Immunology
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular genetics/biology, neuroscience
  • Nutritional sciences
  • Pharmacology
  • Toxicology
  • Physiology, or 
  • Zoology.

Humanities or Social Sciences

One full year, or two half year courses (two semesters)

This could include any of the below:

  • Anthropology
  • Art history
  • Classics
  • East Asian studies
  • English
  • History
  • Languages
  • Music
  • Near and Middle Eastern studies
  • Philosophy
  • Economics
  • Geography
  • Management
  • Political science
  • Religious studies, or 
  • Sociology.

Admission facts #2

We receive over 900 applications a year for the 96 places available.

We interview approx. 180 prospective students.

Admitted students usually have a minimum GPA of 3.85. (In 2024 the average was 3.95)

Those offered a place in 2024 were:

  • Male: 35
  • Female: 61 

If you are currently completing a graduate program, you must complete all the graduate program requirements, including thesis defense, by June 30 in the year you apply for the DDS.

2. You will need a Grade Point Average (GPA) over 3.00

You need a minimum overall grade point average of 3.00 (4.00 scale) for all university work to apply. 

Recently, those being interviewed had a minimum GPA of 3.85.

See how we calculate GPA: GPA Grade Conversion Table (pdf)


Getting documents to us

By email

By mail

Admissions Office
Faculty of Dentistry
124 Edward Street, Room 104
Toronto, ON M5G 1G6

By fax

+1 416 979 4944

How to apply for the DDS: the process

  1. Send us official transcripts of your previous education
  2. Complete an online screening test via Casper
  3. Complete the Dental Aptitude Test Program (DAT)
  4. Prove you can study in English
  5. Complete the online DDS application form
  6. Let us know your residency or visa status

If you are successful at this stage, you will be invited for an interview and tour of the Faculty.

All documents listed below need to reach the Admissions Office before the application period closes on November 1.

1. Send us official transcripts of your previous education

We require official transcripts of all your previous university and other post-secondary education, which includes a detailed outline of all courses successfully completed in your university program (as outlined in the eligibility section). 

Transcripts must be sent to the Admissions Office directly from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope. We will also accept official electronic transcripts.

If not originally in English, a notarized translation must be attached.

If you attended the University of Toronto, you do not need to send in your official University of Toronto transcripts, we will download them from ACORN.

Support for Casper

Contact Casper directly through their website for support and questions. We do not run the test.

2. Complete an online screening test

Complete the online Casper 2 test (CSP-10211) via Casper.

Casper is an online test which assesses non-cognitive skills and interpersonal characteristics we believe are important for successful students and graduates of our program. This test complements other tools we use for applicant screening.

Tests are taken online and booked in advance – you can access the booking system from June on the Casper website. 

Limited dates are available July – November for the application cycle closing in November so we recommend you book early. 

The test typically takes between 75 - 90 minutes to complete. 

What you will need to sit the Casper test:

  • One piece of government-issued photo ID.
  • A computer with audio capabilities, a webcam and a reliable internet connection.
  • The Casper test is comprised of 12 sections of video and written scenarios. Following each scenario, you will be required to answer a set of questions in a limited time. 
  • Each response is graded by a different rater, giving a very robust and reliable view of personal and professional characteristics important to our program. 
  • You do not need to study for Casper, although you may want to read Tips on how to prepare for the Casper test on their website

Casper test results are valid for one admissions cycle only. If you have taken it in previous years, you will have to retake it for the current admission cycle.

We don't require applicants to complete Snapshot.

You must request original scores are sent directly to the Admissions Office from Casper.


3. Complete the Dental Aptitude Test Program (DAT)

Write either the Canadian or American Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) by the November 1 application deadline and arrange for the test results to be forwarded to the Admissions Office. 

You need to complete:

  1. Survey of Natural Sciences (SNS)
  2. Perceptual Ability Test (PAT)
  3. Reading Comprehension Test (RCT)

You must have taken the DAT within the last 24 months of the November 1 application deadline. 

If you have completed the DAT more than once (in the 24-month window) we will use your highest set of scores. 

To register for the DAT:

You must request original DAT scores are sent directly to the Admissions Office from the CDA or ADA.


4. You need to prove you can study in English

The DDS is only taught in English.

If you come from a country where English is not the first language, you must provide results of an English language proficiency examination as part of your application, taken within the last two years. 

Official test scores must be sent by the testing agency directly to the University of Toronto. Our institution code is 0982.

We recognize the following tests


Minimum requirements

Test of English as a Foreign (TOEFL)

Paper-based Test (PBT): 600 (out of 677) with the Test of Written English (TWE) 5 (out of 6).

Internet-based Test (iBT): 100 (out of 120) with a minimum of 22 in writing.

Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)

Overall score of 85, with no part below 80.

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic Module

Overall band of 6.5, with no band below 6.0.

The Certificate of Proficiency in English (COPE)

Overall score of 86, with 32 in Writing and 22 in each of the Reading and Listening sections.

Academic Preparation ESL, School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto.

Grade 'B' at the 60/Advanced level.

You must request official test scores are sent by the testing agency directly to the Admissions Office using our institution code of 0982.


5. Complete the online DDS application form

You can complete an online application between July and November to start a program the following September.

There are two ways to apply online. 

a.) UTDAS (University of Toronto Dental Application Service)

Suitable if you are only applying to the University of Toronto. You will only be applying for this specific DDS program.

Application fee: $306 (CAD). You can pay this fee as part of the online application.

b.) AADSAS (American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Application Service)

Suitable if you are applying to multiple dental schools across North America. You have the option to apply for several different programs through this system. 

ADEA AADSAS charges $264 (US) for the first program you apply to and $115 (US) for each additional program. When applying to Canadian dental schools you will receive a 25% discount on each Canadian dental school application to account for the exchange rate difference. 

You also need to pay a supplemental fee to the University of Toronto. Pay this $150 (CAD) fee online (credit card) by selecting "ADEA AADSAS Supplemental Fee" on the Student Services Payment page.

As part of the online application process, you will need to:

  • Pay your application fee: you need to pay the non-refundable application service fee noted above with a credit card.
  • Provide two pieces of writing. 
    • a personal statement explaining why you want to pursue a dental career (maximum two pages). 
    • an essay outlining what you consider to be your greatest accomplishment and the reasons you have chosen to highlight it (maximum one page).


6. Your residency or visa status

Domestic students

If you are applying from within Canada, you must be a Canadian Citizen or hold Permanent Residency. 

Send a photocopy of one of the below documents to the Admissions Office before the application deadline or upload it directly to your online application:

  • Canadian birth certificate
  • Canadian passport
  • Canadian citizenship certificate/card
  • Canadian Permanent Resident card
  • IMM 1000 Record of Landing document, or IMM 5292 / IMM 5688 Confirmation of Permanent Residence document.

International students

We welcome applications from anywhere in the world, but you must obtain a Student Authorization (visa) after you have been offered a place, but before registration in August. Getting the visa is your responsibility but we will provide any supporting documents necessary.


Documents needed by November 1 deadline: checklist


How you can submit it

Visa status confirmation.

Submit as part of your online application through UTDAS or AADSAS

Two pieces of writing (personal statement and essay).

Submit as part of your online application through UTDAS or AADSAS.

Transcripts of your post-secondary education.

Ask the specific provider to send direct to our Admissions Office.

If applying through AADSAS: you need to submit your transcripts directly to ADEA.

Casper test results.

Ask the specific provider to send direct to our Admissions Office.

Exception: November 7 Casper score only can be sent after the deadline. 

Dental Aptitude Test Program (DAT) results.

Ask the specific provider to send direct to our Admissions Office.

English test results, if needed.

Ask the specific provider to send direct to our Admissions Office.

UTDAS or AADSAS online application.

Complete online.

Pay your application fee.

Complete as part of your online application through UTDAS or AADSAS.

Interview process

If you have been shortlisted, we will invite you (via email in January) to the Faculty for an interview and a tour in February.

These timings may vary slightly year-to-year. Interviews are typically held on the weekend (Saturday & Sunday). 

If you are unsuccessful, we will let you know at this time.

We will send you an agenda and travel information in advance, but what you can expect is:

  • A 20 minute interview with two faculty members. 
  • A short talk with our Faculty Registrar outlining the admission committee decision process.
  • A tour of the dental Faculty facilities by current dental students.

How we select students

The Undergraduate Admission Committee, which reports directly to the Council of the Faculty of Dentistry, decides which students are admitted.

The criteria for selection are established by the Undergraduate Admission Committee and approved by Faculty Council. 

When deciding who to make final offers to, the Committee will take all of the above-mentioned aspects into consideration (interviews, academic achievement, DAT scores, Casper test scores, and essays).

How and when we will let you know if you have a place on the DDS Program

We will email you in March to let you know if you have been successful. 

You will then need to pay a $2,000 (CAD) non-refundable deposit which will be taken off your fees, providing you register for the program in August.

The decision of the Faculty of Dentistry concerning admission into the Doctor of Dental Surgery is final. No appeal mechanism exists.

How much it costs

As a guideline, below is the approximate annual fees for students starting the DDS in 2022 (all in $CAD). The fees vary slightly year to year. 

For information on funding and financial assistance, see Fees and financial assistance for the Doctor of Dental Surgery.

  • Domestic students: $50,598 per year            

Full, up to date fee information is available on the University of Toronto budgeting website (domestic).

  • International students: $131,558

Full, up to date fee information is available on the University of Toronto budgeting website (international)

Indigenous Peoples

We welcome applications from indigenous peoples (MΓ©tis, Status Aboriginal, Non-Status Aboriginal, and Inuit) in recognition of their under-representation in the profession and of the unique contribution that trained members of this group can make. 

Applications from qualified persons of aboriginal ancestry will receive special consideration for admission.

The Wilson G. Harron Award for Aboriginal Students is available to assist a limited number of students with the financial expenses associated with their dental education. See Fees and financial assistance for the Doctor of Dental Surgery for further information.

Applicants with special circumstances

Transferring from another Canadian or American dental program

If you are a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident currently enrolled in an accredited Canadian or U.S. Dental School, you could transfer into our program.

You will be considered for transfer into the second year of the program only, and only if there is space.

To apply, you must meet all the above requirements and we will assess whether your first year of study matches the requirements of the University of Toronto DDS. To do this, you must also send us course descriptions for all dental courses you will have completed by the end of the current academic year.

Send us your request for transfer by the end of June for potential admission to the following academic year starting in September. 

If you have a communicable disease such as hepatitis

You need to be in a good enough state of health to be able to participate in all parts of the program, including patient care, without posing a risk to yourself or others. 

If you have a communicable disease, you may pursue your studies only if you can take part in all clinical work, which is essential to complete the DDS.

If you carry the hepatitis B virus (HBV), your offer of registration will be conditional until the Expert Panel on Infectious Diseases reviews your case.

Your health status, and that of all our students, will remain confidential. 

Essential Skills and Abilities for Dentistry

Have questions? Contact us

+1 416 864 8113